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Board of Trustees
  • Deborah Avren, President

  • Daryl Giddings, Vice-President

  • Ken Perlow, Treasurer

  • Barry Schrager

  • Ellie Edelstein

  • Stuart Cohen

  • Pat Carlton

  • Susan Keller

  • Joel Rosen


The Board generally meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 4:00 pm.  All members are welcome at board meetings. If you plan to attend, you may want to check the HaMakom calendar or with a Board member about any changes from the normal meeting date, time, or place.


As a member or guest, to make a presentation at a Board meeting, contact Deborah Avren ( at least one week prior to the meeting.

Advisory Committee​
  • Cindy Freedman, Hazzan/Administrator

  • Rabbi Jack Shlachter

We thank Advisory Committee members for their dedication, guidance, and wisdom.

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