Other Activities
During the summer months some activities are on hiatus until after high holidays.
HaMakom has the following on-going activities:
Board Meeting: Generally third Tuesdays at 4:00 pm
Arts and Education Programs
Book Club: Sunday mornings at 10:30 am (off site) every 5-6 weeks (currently on hiatus) (more info)
Continuing Education: Third Thursdays at 7 pm. at Hamakom, UUC 107 W. Barcelona
Workshops and Classes: Periodically sponsored by HaMakom
Yiddishkeit Group: Last Sundays at 2 pm (currently on hiatus) (more info)Community Outreach Activities
Chevra Kadisha: Serve with the Chevra Kadisha of Northern New Mexico. (more info)
Food Drive: Donate food during High Holidays to alleviate hunger in Northern New Mexico. (more info)
Hineni: Assist community members. (more info)
Santa Fe Jewish Film Festival: View films on Sunday afternoons in Santa Fe during the season. (more info)
Tutoring Project: Help students at Ramirez Thomas Elementary School. (more info)
Rabbi Malka Drucker and Rick Light Present
To submit information about activities to the Weekly Reader, please send a message to Cindy Freedman (freeart611@yahoo.com).