14-20 October 2019
Sukkah Nights: Joy and Learning Under The Stars with HaMakom
Sukkot is one of the most ancient, joyous, and earth-based holidays in the Jewish calendar, and this year, HaMakom invites the community to celebrate in our new, large sukkah with blessings, learning, and good company. All of HaMakom’s Sukkah Nights events are free (except the Continuing Education program on 17 October, where a donation of $10-18 is requested) and take place at Congregation Beit Tikva, 2230 Old Pecos Trail, Santa Fe, NM 87505. People are invited to bring their own vegetarian brown-bag supper to eat in the sukkah, and HaMakom will provide a taste of something sweet to finish your meal.
Presentations included:
The Jewish Shamanic Aspects of Sukkot
​Ushpizin: Honored Guests.
The Shapes and Symbolism of Samech, Chaf, and Hei (spelling Sukkah), with Music and Stories Gemisht.
Sukkot, Z'man Simchaseinu—The Time of our Joy
Third Annual Beatles Shabbat celebrating Hazzan
Cindy Freedman
With our beloved Hazzan Cindy Freedman celebrating her birthday once again, HaMakom held a special Friday night service on June 14th at 6:30 PM featuring music of THE BEATLES and a special Birthday dinner.
Friday, April 19, 2019 at 5:30 pm
First Night Passover Seder
HaMakom's First Night Seder was once again offered. Understanding that Santa Fe's Jewish community is home to many who live far from the households they might traditionally have visited for the first night of Pesach, we open our doors wide to all of HaMakom's wonderful family and friends for a first night Seder that's our own lively, musical, family-friendly and Kosher homecoming.Led by Rabbi Jack Shlachter and Cantor Cindy Freedman. You don't have to be Jewish to love our Seder!
Wednesday, March 20, 2019 at 7 PM
Purim Party and Dessert Potluck
Purim is one our most joyous holidays, celebrating our escape from annihilation in Persia. HaMakom members fired up their groggers, got your masks and costumes and came together at Karen and Phil Milstein's home for another hilarious HaMakom evening of megillahs and mayhem.
Erev Tisha B'Av Observance
took place on Saturday evening, July 21 at 8:00 PM
Led by Rabbi Jack Shlachter and Hazzan Cindy Freedman
We remembered the fall of the first and second Temples. It's a dark time yet it's also a darkness which contains within it the seeds of light and redemption. We' read excerpts from Eicha/Lamentations and hear the tender trope. People were asked to bring their own personal kinah, a song, story or poem that expresses a deep sorrow, remembering that brokenness is part of the human condition, and the only way to transcend it is to let ourselves feel it fully.
Beatles Shabbat
On June 9, 2017, the community celebrated Hazzan Cindy Freedman's 64th birthday with A BEATLES SHABBAT featuring Friday night liturgy sung to the melodies of The Beatles and a special Shabbat dinner. It was such a success, we repeated it on June 15, 2018!
Saturday, May 19, 2018, 7:30 pm
Shavuot Service and
Tikkun Leyl Shavuot
Service began at 7:30 at the home of Deborah Avren as we honored the giving of the Torah to the Jewish people at Mt. Sinai, followed by blintzes and dessert potluck and an evening of learning featuring special teachings by selected members of our community with Rabbi Jack Shlachter and Hazzan Cindy Freedman.
Thursday, March 15 at 7 PM
A Journey of
Sacred Chanting
by Hazzan Cindy Freedman, Henry Marshall, Sita
The power of chants sung in Hebrew, Sanskrit and other Indian languages, including kirtan chants sung in Jewish communities in India.
Heading 1
HaMakom Purim Party!
Wednesday, February 28 6:00-8:00 PM
6 PM Family Purim Pizza Party for Kids
Hamantaschen Contest judged by Kids
(Adult Hamantaschen bakers please bring by 6:15PM)
Fun Purim Songs led by Hazzan Cindy
6:30 PM Community Megilla Reading Led by Rabbi Jack
Let's make some noise!
Followed by "Megillah Quiz" and prize for kids
Our last event at UU until the High Holidays!
People's State of the Union at HaMakom
On 1 February 2018, HaMakom and the U.S. Department of Arts and Culture (not a government agency, but a people-powered network where HaMakom member Arlene Goldbard serves as Chief Policy Wonk) held a Story Circle event as part of the fourth annual People's State of Union. Every January, the President delivers a State of the Union address highlighting important issues from the past year and suggesting priorities for the coming year. It’s a broadcast from one to many. But democracy is a conversation, not a monologue. Understanding the state of our union takes We the People reflecting in our own communities on our challenges and opportunities locally, nationally, and globally. Community members from across Santa Fe joined us in sharing stories, which are then uploaded to a web portal with hundreds of others from around the U.S. Inspired by the stories, a wonderful group of writers compose the Poetic Address to the Nation. On April 15, 2018, the Poetic Address will be performed and livestreamed from the Public Theater in New York. Learn more at the USDAC's website.
TU B’SHVAT (“The New Year of the Trees”) is both a mystical celebration and a call to environmental awareness. Jewish tradition is to observe this holiday with a Seder, a ritual meal with a prescribed order of of fruits and nuts, drink, and blessings. As the holiday has evolved, so has its multiple meanings, yielding a rich experience of gratitude for the earth, dedication to the preservation and care of life, and a collective exploration of the personal and mystical symbolism of the natural world. HaMakom's Tu B’Shvat seder took place on 30 January 2018 at Congregation Beit Tikva, and was led by members and spiritual leaders of the HaMakom and Beit Tikva communities.
Photo by Gay Block
Honoring our Matriarchs
On December 2, 2017, HaMakom honored our matriarchs—Rhea Bertelli, Chana Abraham, Marge Lazar, Pat Carlton, Karen Milstein and Ellie Edelstein—with Havdallah, a dessert reception, and a concert by two remarkable singers, Hazzan Cindy Freedman and Consuelo Luz!
Hanukkah Party
On Sunday, December 17, the HaMakom community joined our friends at UUC for latkes, songs, and a mass lighting of all our menorahs!
Itai Rosen's Bar Mitzvah
On Saturday, December 16, 2017, Itai Rosen was called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah, witnessed by friends and family from across the U.S. and Israel.
A joyous Kabbalat Shabbat service and dinner on December 15th also honored the Bar Mitzvah, son of Patricia and Dr. Joel Rosen.
Purim Party
On March 11, 2017, HaMakom celebrated Purim with a Megillah reading, dessert party with homemade Hamentaschen,sing-along Purim Shpiels and more!
Beatles Shabbat
On June 9, 2017, the community celebrated
Hazzan Cindy Freedman's 64th birthday with
A BEATLES SHABBAT featuring Friday night liturgy sung to the melodies of The Beatles and a special Shabbat dinner.