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High Holiday Services


From Selichot to Simchat Torah, together we leave the ordinary to relive the birth of the world, reflected in the new selves that we birth during the High Holidays. Self-examination is a mighty task; that is why our tradition has us do the work together.


Please renew your membership or become a member now by visiting the Membership page.


Scroll down for information on taking part in 5785/2024 High Holiday services.


Honor your loved ones by including their names in our Yizkor memorial booklet by donating to HaMakom funds. You can also donate to our Kol Nidre Appeal. See the Donate page for more information.



Service Times 2024


Selichot Observance

Saturday Evening, September 28 at 8 PM MST

Location: Private Home for information

Havdalah, forgiveness and reflection practice in preparation for the High Holidays, and conclude with brief Selichot service and changing the Torah garments to white.​


Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur services take place at Unitarian Universalist Congregation.

107 W. Barcelona Rd.


Pre-registration required due to security. Please scroll down for details on how to reserve member seats or purchase tickets for non-members and friends.  Please join early to get settled, enjoy the music, and be ready at the posted starting time.


Erev Rosh HaShanah, Wednesday, 2 October, 6:30 pm 


Rosh HaShanah Day One, Thursday, 3 October, 9:30 am 


Rosh HaShanah Day Two, Friday, 4 October, 9:30 am   Outdoors, No Zoom livestream


Musical Tashlich and potluck picnic, First Day, 3 October, 4:30-6:30 pm

Musical Tashlich and Rosh Hashannah Outdoor Potluck Dinner, Thursday Afternoon, October 3, 2024.  

Frenchy’s Field, Santa Fe.   

We open with singing the melodies of the Yamim Noraim (Days of Awe)  outdoors with the musical accompaniment of the Oneg Shabbos Ensemble led by Rabbi Dov Gartenberg and multi-instrumental musician, Travis Rourk. The joint Tashlich is open to the community and free.   â€‹  

Where: Frenchy's Field Bridge, Camino Carlos Rael at Via Manzana. There is plenty of street parking nearby.  Do not park in the Osage and Agua Fria parking area.  


What to Bring: bread crumbs for Tashlich.  Lawn chairs, appropriate clothing for the weather. Bring a symbolic food or object to make an intention for the new year. We will provide traditional symbolic foods and the blessings that accompany them.   

In Case of Inclement Weather we will notify registrants to meet at the Avren/Goodman home a short distance away. 

Pre-registration is required.   For questions, contact Rabbi Dov Gartenberg at or 505 582-9577.  

To Register and to select your potluck item, click on this LINK.  The deadline for reserving is Wednesday morning, October 2nd, 10am.  



Kol Nidrei Service, Friday, 11 October, 6:30 pm 


Yom Kippur Morning, Saturday, 12 October, 9:30 am 


Study Chapter 4 of the Book of Jonah with Rabbi Dov, 3 - 4:15 pm     

As a prelude to the ritual reading of Jonah, a deep dive into the fascinating and perplexing end of the Book of Jonah


Yom Kippur Afternoon, Saturday, 12 October, 4:30 pm Mincha, Yizkor, Neilah, Havdalah and Break-the-Fast at 7:00 pm 


Kabbalat Shabbat Service in the Sukkah, Friday, 18 October at 5:30 pm


Shabbat Sukkot, Saturday. 19 October, 10 am 


Simchat Torah Service, Friday, 25 October, 10 am 


High Holidays Plans for 5785!

5785/2024  We will be blessed with leadership by guest Rabbi Dov Gartenberg and Hazzan Cindy Freedman, and members of the HaMakom community. This will be Hazzan Cindy's 21st consecutive year leading HaMakom High holiday services! Rabbi Jack Shlachter will be leading services in Bangkok, Thailand.


HaMakom's High Holiday services will be designed for the deepest possible onsite and online experience. Services, at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation, will be full of tradition, joyous, musical, interactive and fulfilling. 


If you have not yet renewed your HaMakom membership, please do so now




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To Reserve Member Seats or
Purchase Tickets for Non-Members & Friends

FOR MEMBERS: With each individual or household membership, you receive High Holiday tickets. Members MUST reserve seats for the services they wish to attend. Please email us at with your name, telephone number, and email address, specifying which services you wish to take part in and the names of the members of your household who require tickets for each.



TICKETS FOR NON-MEMBERS: If members wish to purchase tickets for friends or family or if you haven't yet decided to join HaMakom but would like to take part in High Holiday services, please email us at with your name, telephone number, and email address. Please specify the services you wish to attend and the names of the individuals for which each ticket is being purchased. MEMBERSHIP SIGN-UP


The suggested donation amount is $72 per service or a donation of $300 to attend the full complement of High Holiday Services. No one will be turned away on account of inability to pay and financial arrangements can be made by contacting

Pay Online or send check to HaMakom,  P.O.Box 6777,  Santa Fe, NM 87502

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